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Branching out into skills training

by Joolze Dymond, 29 Mar 09.

You all know Gorrick well for providing top-quality racing and events, in a move to broaden our products we're pleased to announce skills training. Teaming up with CTC-trained mountain bike instructors to offer a series of courses covering everything from basic technique to mastering bombholes and trail flow.

The sessions will be held at Swinley Forest, between Bracknell and Bagshot near Windsor.

A spokesman said: "As the only official providers of training courses at this popular venue, Gorrick instructors will work with small groups (max 6). With their extensive local knowledge they will get right out onto the trails to the best sections to coach and develop your skills. They will help take your riding skills to the next level as well as help you hone your fitness."

To find out more, visit the MTB Skills Training section at